November 17, 2008

Live @ Murphy's - Sunday, November 23rd

Sunday, November 23rd
Start time at 9:00 p.m. NO COVER CHARGE!

Well, its a three day weekend here in Japan. On Sunday nights, you got two
choices: 1. Force yourself to another night of crazy drinking and clubbing
or 2. Stay home and nurse a hangover.... but what about that wonderful
choice ??? That is, a mellow evening of good blues, jazz, rock and
original tunes by The Geminiac live band @ Murphy's, the best Irish Pub in
Osaka. Really, what better way then a few very good Kilkenny's or
Guinesses, good music, and greasy Fish & Chips is there to get you happily
through that night and still feel good the next holiday morning? Hope to
see you all there!

{ Contact }
ADDRESS : Lead plaza 6F 1-6-31 Higashi Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
TEL : 06-6282-0677
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